Welcome to SUBz!

Here are some FAQ details for your employment.

Login and find your payslip, etc.
Login My SUBz

Timesheets must be approved by you and Subz's client and sent to timer@sub-z.dk no later than Monday at 12:00 PM every week.

If you encounter any issues with sending your timesheet, please contact support@sub-z.dk.

After changing banks, you should immediately inform your SUBz consultant about your new bank account by sending an email to support@sub-z.dk. Remember to include your full name and substitute number in the email. SUBz does not accept NemKonto, so all information must be sent in writing via email due to auditing requirements.

Contact support@sub-z.dk in writing with a detailed explanation if you have issues with salary, hourly rate, number of hours, or missing allowances.

If you are paid every two weeks, your payslip will usually be available on My SUBz on Thursdays, and your salary will be available on Fridays.

If you are paid monthly, your payslip will typically be available on My SUBz the evening before the day your salary is available.

f you cannot find your payslip under My SUBz, it may be because support has received incorrect information about you.

Contact support at support@sub-z.dk.

Salary payment occurs every 14 days, provided that all timesheets are received on time (by Monday at 12:00 PM).

The salary will be available in your account on Fridays in even weeks, except on public holidays - please refer to the salary calendar.

If you are paid on a monthly basis, your salary will be paid on the last banking day of the month.

If the support team is missing your CPR number or bank account number, you will not be able to receive your salary payment. It is important to provide these details to ensure that your salary can be properly processed and paid out to you.

Thank you for providing the contact information. If you have any further questions or need assistance regarding your CPR number or bank account number, please reach out to support@sub-z. They will respond to you as quickly as possible.

You can receive payment from your "Fritvalgs account" on public holidays and days off/vacation from a scheduled shift.

Request payment by sending an email to support@sub-z.dk with the dates for your vacation/days off.

Your "fritvalgskonto account" will be automatically paid out when your contract expires and you do not start a new temporary position.

Your SH-days (special holiday days) will be paid out on public holidays or when you take vacation during a scheduled shift.

Send an email to support@sub-z.dk with the dates.

Your SH account will be automatically paid out in December.

As a newly hired temporary employee, the payroll department will automatically request your main tax card from SKAT (the Danish Tax Agency) once you have submitted your employment agreement.

If you prefer to use your secondary tax card (bikort), please send an email to support@sub-z.dk stating that you would like to use your bikort. Remember to include your temporary employee number in the subject line of the email.

If you have had a break without temporary employment and have started again with SUBz, the support team will use the same type of tax card as last time.

Please note that it is possible for multiple employers to request your tax card for the same period. Certain public institutions, such as the Danish Student Grant and Loan Scheme (SU), can also reserve the tax card.

If you are employed with a 14-day pay period, SUBz will use your 14-day deduction. If you are employed with a monthly salary, we will use your monthly deduction.

To ensure accurate tax deductions, you will need to submit timesheets every week.

Det er korrekt, det er dit eget ansvar at følge korrekt brug af skattekortet. Du kan altid se hvilket skattekort SUBz bruger på både din lønseddel og SKAT's hjemmeside.

If you become ill during a temporary employment at SUBz, you must complete and send an absence notification according to the job order.

The absence notification can be sent no earlier than 2 hours before your scheduled start of work and no later than 1 hour before. You must also send an email to your immediate supervisor at the client's company. If the illness lasts for more than one day, you must inform SUBz daily.

The absence notification must be filled out for each period and day of absence. If you fail to notify SUBz about your illness, you will lose the right to sick pay, and it may be considered an unauthorized absence, which could result in termination of your employment without notice.

To be eligible for sick pay as a substitute, you must meet the employment requirement. You must call and report sick every day unless otherwise agreed with your SUBz consultant.

The sick certificate should be submitted at least 2 hours before the start of the working hours, but no later than 1 hour before. You should also send an email to your immediate supervisor at the client's company. In case of illness lasting more than one day, you should report it daily for the sake of SUBz's client.

You need to fill out an absence notification for each absence period and each absence day. If you do not inform SUBz about your illness according to the above, you will lose the right to sickness benefits and it will be considered an unauthorized absence, which can lead to immediate termination of your employment.

To receive sickness benefits as a substitute, you must meet the employment requirement.

You need to call in and report sick every day, unless otherwise agreed with your SUBz consultant.

Inform your SUBz consultant and keep them updated about your illness. When you are on long-term sick leave and wish to apply for sick pay, you need to submit a medical certificate every week after the completion of the scheduled work week.

If, for example, you were on long-term sick leave throughout January 2023 and were scheduled to work from 08:00-16:00 every day, you can only submit your medical certificate after the completion of your scheduled shift. That means you can only submit your weekly medical certificate after Friday at 16:00.

To be eligible for sick pay through SUBz, you must meet these three requirements:

1. You must have been employed by SUBz for the past 8 weeks before your first day of absence and have worked at least 74 hours during that period.

2. You must have been at work for SUBz the day before your illness and have been scheduled to work on the day you called in sick.

3. Du skal have meddelt din sygdom korrekt og til tiden (se evt. spørgsmålet ‘Hvordan melder jeg mig syg, og hvornår skal jeg gøre det?’).

3. If you have submitted a sick certificate but do not meet all three conditions, the payroll service will report your absence to your municipality so you can receive sick pay if you meet the necessary conditions.

If you have outstanding holiday pay with SUBz, you need to log in to Borger.dk using your NemID and request the payment of your holiday pay.

Please note that it is important to make the request correctly, as SUBz is obligated to reject the payment of holiday pay if the request is not correct.

If the amount of your holiday pay is less than 1,500 DKK, it will be automatically paid out at the beginning of April for the upcoming holiday year.

If you want to take time off or go on vacation, you need to apply via email. Send your application to support@sub-z.dk at least 5 business days before the desired day off. Your vacation will only be approved if you receive a positive confirmation via email at least 3 full business days before the desired day off.

If you have questions about salary, collective agreements, or holiday pay, you can find answers in our FAQ. You can also contact Payroll Service by phone or email. When sending an email, please provide your temporary employment number or date of birth in the subject line.

Contact Information
Email: support@sub-z.dk
P: +45 4060 1253

Opening hours:
Monday-Wednesday and Friday: 09.00-11.00
Thursday: 14.00-15.00

Please fill out the pension form that you received along with your job order. If you already have a workplace pension scheme, please attach the documentation along with the pension form.

SUBz ensures that all our temporary employees receive correct pension payments in accordance with your current collective agreement.

If you have an agreement with your SUBz consultant and have paid for something related to the work, it is considered an external expense.

The expense form is sent upon request.

We are here to help if you have any questions regarding external expenses. Please contact us via phone or email.

Here is an overview of most of SUBz's collective agreements.

Do you need your collective agreement?

Contact us to get information about the conditions in your department or at Support.

To learn more about the industry's collective agreement with Dansk Industri, please visit www.di.dk.