Try & Hire

Hiring mistakes are costly and resource-intensive.

Try & Hire

Try out your new employee in a temp position with Try & Hire before deciding to hire the candidate permanently.
Prøv kandidaten op til 24 uge
Undgår dyre fejlansættelser
Undgå administrationen

How does it work?

You should choose Try & Hire when you want to avoid costly hiring mistakes and have all administrative tasks such as payroll, legal, collective agreements, tax, and administration handled for you. With Try & Hire, you can also try out a candidate without any obligations.

No, you are not obligated by a Try & Hire agreement. Try & Hire allows you to try out a candidate for a period before making a final decision to hire them permanently. If you are not satisfied with the candidate during the trial period, you can end the collaboration without further obligations.

Invoicing occurs weekly, every Monday for the previous week.

Customers without temp and/or framework agreements must pay within 10 days from the invoice date.

Payment terms for customers with temp and/or framework agreements are negotiated individually before the agreement is signed.

The customer is invoiced for the temp's working hours, expenses, piecework supplements, and other supplements according to the agreement for the temp position. Lunch breaks and the temp's travel time to and from the customer are not included unless agreed upon in the agreement. Invoicing occurs in accordance with the agreement for the temp position, with a price factor agreed upon between SUBz and the customer.

The price factor is applied to the temp's working hours, expenses, piecework supplements, and other supplements according to the agreement, which are invoiced to the customer.

SUBz's terms and conditions take precedence over all agreements, both oral and written.

Try out the candidate for up to 24 weeks.

Evaluate the person's suitability for the job and our company. We handle all the cumbersome aspects of the Try & Hire process.
Temp solution

Your company benefits from competent craftsmen.

Temp solution

Are you seeking temporary staffing services for your company? We have over 20 years of experience in temporary staffing.
Værdi fra første dag på jobbet
Garanti på rekruttering
Opføgning og kvalitetstiltag

How does it work?

Temporary staffing is when selected temporary employees hired by SUBz are offered to customers like you to work under your management and supervision. A temporary staffing agreement is an agreement between SUBz and the customer regarding temporary staffing services in a

An order confirmation is an email confirmation of a temporary job assignment.

A temporary job assignment refers to a specific task at the customer's site, as covered by the order confirmation.

The temporary work agreement is a call-off agreement that applies during the contract period, but you are not obligated to use SUBz.

The order confirmation is binding when sent and becomes binding after 4 hours.

Invoicing takes place weekly every Monday. Payment terms for customers without a temporary staff or frame agreement are 10 days from the date of invoicing.

Payment terms for customers with temp and/or framework agreements are negotiated individually before the agreement is signed.

The customer is invoiced for the temp's working hours, expenses, piecework supplements, and other supplements according to the agreement for the temp position. Lunch breaks and the temp's travel time to and from the customer are not included unless agreed upon in the agreement. Invoicing occurs in accordance with the agreement for the temp position, with a price factor agreed upon between SUBz and the customer.

The price factor is applied to the temp's working hours, expenses, piecework supplements, and other supplements according to the agreement, which are invoiced to the customer.

SUBz’s forretningsbetingelser har forrang for alle aftaler, både mundtlige og skriftlige.

Competent craftsmen on time.

The success of a company depends on competent employees.
Project employment

Value-adding employees from day one.

Project employment

Are you missing one or more employees for a project position or the right person for a temporary position?
Værdi fra første dag på jobbet
Garanti på rekruttering
Opfølgning og kvalitetssikringstiltag

How does it work?

A successful project relies on the right team of employees. We have already screened a wide range of potential candidates for you.

Once we have collaborated with you to create an accurate candidate and job profile, we can quickly present the best options from our database, network, and advertising. This ensures that you get the best employees, both locally and internationally, for your projects.

Yes, in principle, you are bound by a project employment agreement, as it practically functions as a form of employment.

Når ordrebekræftelsen på en projektansættelsesaftale er sendt, træder den i kraft og er juridisk bindende.

Invoicing occurs weekly, every Monday for the previous week.

Customers without temp and/or framework agreements must pay within 10 days from the invoice date.

Payment terms for customers with temp and/or framework agreements are negotiated individually before the agreement is signed.

The customer is invoiced for the temp's working hours, expenses, piecework supplements, and other supplements according to the agreement for the temp position. Lunch breaks and the temp's travel time to and from the customer are not included unless agreed upon in the agreement. Invoicing occurs in accordance with the agreement for the temp position, with a price factor agreed upon between SUBz and the customer.

The price factor is applied to the temp's working hours, expenses, piecework supplements, and other supplements according to the agreement, which are invoiced to the customer.

SUBz's terms and conditions take precedence over all agreements, both oral and written.

We have already screened a large number of candidates.

Who are ready for temporary employment, which can add value to your company - quickly, efficiently, and without hassle.