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Ufaglærte søges til hele landet
Er du ufaglært så send os din ansøgning.
Tømrer, snedkersvende søges
Har du erfaring med tømrer og snedkere arbejde indenfor byggeriet, så sende din ansøgning.
Rørlæggere, svejser og smede søges
Har du VVS-erfaring indenfor skibsbranchen, så send din ansøgning.

We also have an exciting job for you.

At SUBz, we help you get off to a great start. We put you at the center and base our approach on your interests and desires.

Send dit CV så kontakter vi dig!

7 forpligtelser overfor vores vikarer.

Flexible job opportunities
in safe environments.

At SUBz, we match your needs and preferences.

We ensure that our substitutes work under good and safe conditions, with appropriate working hours and pay.

We are available and supportive towards our substitutes, especially when they encounter challenges or have questions.

Vi er deres kontaktperson og hjælpe dem med at lykkes i deres opgaver.

We provide constructive feedback to our substitutes to help them improve their performance. It's also important to recognize their efforts and successes to motivate them and maintain a positive work environment.

We offer our substitutes opportunities for ongoing training and development so they can improve their skills and become even better in their craft.

We pay our substitutes a fair and competitive wage in line with their qualifications and job responsibilities.

We maintain open and clear communication with our substitutes and ensure a good working atmosphere where everyone feels heard and respected.

We continuously seek competent substitutes and aim to build long-term relationships with them. This includes opportunities for development and growth as well as openness to permanent employment if opportunities arise.

Our areas of expertise include

Below, you can read more about the various opportunities we can offer you.

Build | Metal

- are you looking for a full-time or part-time craftsman job?

If you have a professional background in construction and are seeking a challenging and exciting daily routine within the field, then send us an application.

With us, you'll find a wide range of short and long-term substitute positions.


Construction | Drainage

- be a helping hand for others or a right hand for the master?

If you have solid experience in foundation and concrete work or other civil engineering tasks and are seeking a challenging and exciting daily routine within the field, then send us an application.

With us, you'll find a wide range of short and long-term substitute positions.

Olie og gas | VE

- søger du en udfordrende og spændende hverdag?

Are you someone who prefers fixed schedules and working hours, or do you prefer offshore rotational work and versatile weekdays?

With us, you'll find a wide range of short and long-term substitute positions.


Shipbuilding | Shipyard

- søger du et vikarjob indenfor skibs- eller værftsområdet?

If you are seeking a substitute job within the ship and shipyard industry, are you trained in the field, and do you desire a varied everyday experience?

With us, you'll find a wide range of short and long-term substitute positions.