Former CEO and owner of the successful company Protemp A/S, who exited at the turn of 2020, is now launching a new temp agency.
I will be actively involved in the operations, as I have been in my Protemp career, primarily focusing on sales and management," says Johnny Bergsted. "The business plan is ready, and January 2nd will be my first day at work, where the top priority will be assembling the right team at all levels.
Johnny Bergsted was the founder and owner of the successful temp agency Protemp A/S, which he sold to the investment firm Axcel back in 2020. For various reasons, I chose to leave the company after the merger of Protemp, Job Invest Vikar, and Team Vikaren.
The company's primary areas will be construction | metal, civil engineering | sewer, oil and gas | renewable energy, and finally shipbuilding | shipyards.